Group Therapy

Together we can find solutions…

~ Jaye Nice

Are you considering group therapy? Here is why you should.

Group therapy is a powerful experience. When you come to a group, you will meet people just like you. They are facing the same challenges… they’ve felt what you’ve felt, and they have struggled with the same issues that you have.

You are offered kindness and honesty from someone who shares your experiences. When your story intersects with their story, it helps in the healing process.

The wonderful things about groups are they provide support, a sounding board, can propel you forward, promote social skills, costs less than individual counseling, and they teach you about who you are.

Group therapy can create an environment that mirrors an individual’s experience outside of group session. The difference, however, is having a controlled and safe environment often helps members to find the confidence it takes to try new things.

What type of groups are offered and when?

A variety of groups are usually available for any individual to participate.

The groups offered are:

  • Divorcecare
  • Overcomers (Substance Abuse)
  • Successful in Love (Couples Group)
  • Anger Management 
  • Parenting 101
  • Successful Families (for adults/parents/children/siblings)

Groups are announced and times are given once there are 10 members in the group.

What to expect from group therapy

Group therapy is an open forum. Anyone is allowed to share their thoughts and feelings.

As a group member, each individual shares the responsibility to keep confidential the identity of each group member, as well as the information shared during each group sessions.

Groups usually meet for 50 minutes to an hour once a week or twice per month, depending on the need of the group.

Usually, in each group there are 10-13 members. The facilitator or group leader directs the group activities and keeps the group on track.

As a member of the group, we ask that you take initiative to work on yourself and be part of the process of healing for others.

If you are having marital problems, couples group helps partners learn from each other by sharing their own stories. Often couples feel isolated and believe they are the only ones experiencing challenges. Group therapy allows couples a chance to explore the ways they communicate with each other.

“The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team.” 

~ Phil Jackson

Call us today at (813) 438-5672, so we can work toward the healing process that you so deserve.